The Light We Seek
Gallery x Chiao, Taipei

瞧瞧藝術於2018年在美國成立線上平台/ 電子書刊,專注於藝術家理念的訪談與工作室短片;為臺、美(及世界各地)藝術家做引介、串連。旨在支持世界各地藝術家與創意家,同時放大弱勢社群的音量,探索當代藝術和青年藝術家的各種可能性。

瞧瞧藝術今年在台北成立第一間實體展間,引介首次於亞洲曝光的四位美國藝術家,以及台灣青年概念藝術家謝佑承,聯合展出瞧瞧藝術首檔展覽「The Light We Seek 靈光乍現」。自人類有記憶以來,無論向內或向外一直尋覓的那道光,促使我們不斷創新與建造。藝術(與文物)就在不斷尋覓靈光一閃的過程中,透過藝術家由心出發的創作而體現。

Gallery x Chiao (originally ChiaoxArt) was first established in Los Angeles in 2018 as an online platform and digital publication, with an emphasis on artist-focused interviews and short studio visit docs. We are devoted to supporting creative talent from around the world while amplifying the voices of underrepresented communities.

This year we opened our first physical space - "Gallery x Chiao" in Taipei, and are delighted to present our inaugural show “The Light We Seek”, debuting four artists from the States: L, Michelle Jane Lee, Esther Ruiz, Heath West, and emerging Taiwanese artist Yu-Cheng Hsieh.

Since the beginning of human memory, the light we seek - whether from within or without, prompts us to create and build. Art(tifacts) then manifest themselves through the endless search of that light.

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