《像素與星叢》實體空間現場 Pixel and Star Cluster

像素與星叢 X 星叢 (online)
Pixel and Star Cluster X Star Cluster (online)
Fluorescent pigment, Fluorescent lamps
互動響應式網頁(interactive and responsive web page)


《星叢》以滑鼠點選空白網頁的任何一點,解離構成螢幕上白色,任三張與 #red #green #blue 標記有關的實時資料圖片,從點到點之間,取樣白色的色彩構成與(偏頗而隨機的)意義拼貼。《像素與星叢》耗費眾人之力,在藝文中心現有的牆面上,以螢光筆螢光漆,規矩地點描屏幕成像的規律與秩序,完成了將近16000多的像素所組成的空白畫面。以無數螢光三色RGB 光點,點描數位影像屏幕中「趨近白色」的身體。

The sun goes down and all sorts of shimmering lights linger at night. The bustling highway traffic and bright, deep street light, seen from far, have turned into dispersed dim lights and a star cluster, both of which constitute the modern urban life. The flow of time is cut into static frames of fragmented images, which are played in sequence to create a visual illusion of reality. Nowadays, a great amount of images of super verisimilitude, through all sorts of interfaces, have invaded us. At the moment when everyone is forced to regain the life of solitude, all left in front of us are the glowing screens and images. In the beginning, it might start from a collision of sparkles from which light stretches out by spots as a line expanding into a surface, by which time and civilization are thus constituted.

In "Star Cluster", click any point of the blank webpage with the mouse to dissociate and form the white on the screen. Any three real-time data pictures related to the #red #green #blue mark, click to enlarge and deconstruct the white. "Pixels and Star Cluster" employs countless fluorescent spots of RGB lights,cdepict by pointillism the body“close to white”on the digital image screen. using highlighters and fluorescent paint to trace the spot, follow the RGB order of the screen, and complete a blank screen composed of nearly 16,000 pixels.

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