Just what is it makes today’s image so different, so appealing?
Hong-Gah Museum, Taipei

此展覽名稱改自英國藝術家理查・漢密爾頓(Richard Hamilton, 1922-2011)在1965年的作品《是什麼使今天的家庭如此不同,如此具有魅力?》(Just what is it that makes today’s homes so different, so appealing?),以「影像」置換原作品裡「家庭」的位置,在現實與虛構的模糊地帶中,思考媒體影像以何種位置介入人的自我意識、社會價值、城市風景等,與影像建構的世界形塑出社會景觀的過程。


The problematic of this curatorial project shall emphasize how images shape our social landscape via technological mediums, while seek to deconstruct the meaning of images in the installation process of works. Through adaptation of the pop art work’s title into that of this exhibition, it adopts the force of promotion on the aesthetic discourses in the art history as the annotation of this exhibition.

While the diverse creative contexts and varied presentations in the works of the seven artists, i.e. Wang Ya-Hui, Huang Hai-Hsin, Chang Hui-Hsin, Chuang Pei-Xin, Tsai Tsung-Hsun, Yin Guan-Hong, and Hsieh Yu-Cheng, put aside the framework for material classification and purposefully blur the differences among light, images, and screens in terms of material, they re-illustrate and advance the discourse framework of images in the contemporary art through a second aestheticization of image medium by the contemporary art. Meanwhile, an image aesthetic perspective distinct from narrative image is proposed on the premise of concurrent advancements of deconstruction and construction.

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