2021 臺北美術獎
2021 Taipei Art Awards
Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei

「臺北美術獎」是臺灣兼具前瞻性與指標性的視覺藝術獎項之一,為鼓勵富有時代精神之創作,以激盪更多元的創意能量,北美館自1983年開館至今從未間斷舉辦,見證三十多年來當代藝術發展的脈動,累積的豐碩成果有目共睹。今年遞件數達 346 件,經二階段評比,最終由田倧源、羅伃君、顧廣毅三人組及吳梓安、汪紹綱、林子桓、林彥君、區秀詒、陳彥成、曾彥翔、黃萱、謝佑承、羅懿君進入決選。「2021臺北美術獎」將由這11組藝術家的作品共同呈現於本館三樓,評審委員將依據實際展覽樣貌,從中選出本屆「臺北美術獎首獎」及五位「優選」。

The “Taipei Art Awards” is one of Taiwan’s most forward-looking and indicative visual art awards. Established in 1983, the Awards are held annually to encourage the creation in tune with the spirit of the times and introduce a more diversified array of ideas and creative energy. As such, over the past three decades, the Taipei Art Awards has borne witness to the development of contemporary art, and the awards' contributions to the art circle speak for themselves. This year, 346 submissions are in competition. After a two-stage selection process, the finalists include one collective trio, Zong-Yuan Tien, Yu-Chun Lo, and Kuang-Yi Ku, and 10 artists Tzu-An Wu, Shao-Gang Wang, Tzu-Huan Lin, Yen-Chun Lin, Sow-Yee Au, Yen-Cheng Chen, Sean Tseng, Xuan Huang, Yu-Cheng Hsieh, and Yi-Chun Lo. The 11 nominees’ works will display on the third floor. The prize will be judged on the TFAM exhibition. One winner will receive the Grand Prize of the Taipei Art Awards, while five teams will receive the Honorable Mention Award.

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